Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The morning of day six of the fast found another cheat smoothie on the coaster. I lightened up on the peanut butter and added wheat grass powder.
Mix: 1c flax milk, 1 banana, 1tbsp peanut butter, 3/4tsp powder, big handful of ice.
I am going to try some store bought natural juices for lunch.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sweet and Spicy

Juice fast day 5:
I did have another cheat smoothie yesterday.  My favorite shop also had frozen, blended bananas that felt like an ice cream cheat.
Today's blend turned out a little sweet.  I had prepped an extra pear and then remembered that I had fresh pineapple that needed to be used.  I also had a banana that was about to die so I refrigerated it, to firm it up.  Some juice did come out but I think the blender is a better destination for banana.
The rest:  kale, chard, parsley, apple, yellow carrots, tomato, and celery.  I added cayenne to this morning's glass.  A nice kick.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cheating on My Juicer

Half way through day 4 of a juice fast and my body was yelling for something besides green juice. So I broke out the blender. Slightly breaking the rules of a fast, a smoothie appeared.

Smoothie cheat: small banana, large tablespoon of peanut butter, flax milk.

Wow, it is good. I may add wheat grass powder if I cheat again so I don't feel as guilty.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day Three of Juice Fast

At the end of day three I feel...
Hungry! I managed to get some produce on the way home and made a monster juice that should last through tomorrow. I am taking it one juice at a time and hope I can make day 4. I do feel less bloated and my energy is about average for a Friday. There more noises from my gut than usual.
My monster juice: kale, chard, parsley, celery, lemon, ginger, turmeric, pear, yellow carrots, pineapple, tomato, broccoli, and cauliflower. It tastes good, a little peppery. I may add the fruit flavored protein mix tomorrow morning.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Juice Fast Day 2

I have talked myself into a fast. One day down, two pounds lost. After three weeks of some questionable food choices I was feeling a bit bloated. I am using the vegan protein mix once a day and I will take some supplements today- B complex, vitamin D, and fish oil.
Today's mix: mixed greens, apple, watermelon, lemon, garlic, yellow squash, acai juice, broccoli, cucumber, and kiwi.
I didn't stock up for a fast, so I am taking it one juice at a time.
Who needs chewing? 8)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Back in the Saddle

After a bit of a break, I am ready to juice again. While my juicer was on vacation, I did have some of those powdered green mixes with water. It just is not the same.
Prepared tonight for tomorrow's juice: spinach, yellow carrots, blueberries, pear, lemon, turmeric, beet root, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, and garlic.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Juice for 2

I have an old friend in town this morning and decided to make a juice. I left out some of the more bitter greens like kale and chard to make it a little more palatable.
The juice: romaine, lemon with no rind, pear, grapes, carrot, and cucumber.
The verdict: it was great. My friend even had seconds. I learned I can lighten up juice and not over complicate things all the time.